Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why does SJN support PV Food Bank?

SJN encourages meeting participants to bring non-perishable food items to the SJN meetings. Your donations support the Paradise Valley Emergency Food Bank (PVEFB) http://members.cox.net/d-marks-phx/foodbank/index.shtml

Recently, one of our members asked me why SJN supports this cause. The reasons are valid. Despite living in an affluent area, we have neighbors who are hungry. Often their situation is exacerbated by unemployment. . . the focus of SJN's community service. Also, PVEFB is a favorite charity of the Temple Chai community which is supporting SJN, and we wanted to align with the Temple's effort.

You can learn more about PVEFB on their website: http://members.cox.net/d-marks-phx/foodbank/index.shtml or read an excerpt below:


. . . to provide emergency assistance to individuals living within the boundaries of the Paradise Valley Unified School District. PVEFB distributes food to families that would otherwise go hungry. The emergency provisions provide wholesome, nourishing meals to families in need. They bridge the gap until a long-term solution can be arranged.


Feeding the hungry in our area had been the responsibility of various religious organizations. An increase in demand prompted the Greater Paradise Valley Community Council to form a subcommittee to study the hunger problem. Using surveys and projections this group concluded that there was a need for a non-governmental community based organization to service the hungry – so the Greater Paradise Valley Community Assistance Team (GPVCAT) was formed in April 1986.

The goals of the organization were to have a permanent storage facility for food, within our service boundaries, which would be available to clients referred by religious and charitable organizations. To facilitate this goal the first efforts were to locate a site and interest a core of volunteers to handle requests and stock food supplies.

Thanks to the encouragement and financial and logistical support of many businesses and religious institutions in our community, office and storage space was made available. A temporary location was established at 4242 E. Greenway Rd. Food drives conducted by area schools and businesses filled the shelves. By early 1987 we were in business.

A search for a permanent site led us to our Shea Plaza location in October 1987. The name GPVCAT was replaced by our business name Paradise Valley Emergency Food Bank. We occupied a space rent-free until 1997 when a change in ownership necessitated our signing a lease agreement. New space was prepared and made available to us at our present location
We are governed by a Board of Directors, meeting four times each year, made up of community business and civic leaders. Our connection to the business, civic and religious community is essential, as we must not only solicit food donations but also monetary contributions to offset our fixed costs.

We should all be proud of our part in the success of the Food Bank. Our motto, "Neighbors Sharing - Neighbors Caring," summarizes our commitment to our community.

I hope you will continue to keep this community need in mind and bring non-perishable food items to the Temple Chai when you attend SJN meetings. Our next is Tues, Feb 5, 9 AM.

Thank you for your support of this important effort.

Christine Vicari, Founder & President
Scottsdale Job Network - SJN
P.O. Box 25674
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Voice mail: (480) 513-1491
Web: scottsdalejobnet.com/
E-mail: info@scottsdalejobnet.com
Empowering Career Transitions

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