Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Register for 4/29 Passions Workshop, 9A-4P

Exploring Your Passion – Putting It To Work
(a special workshop for job seekers)
Tues, April 29, 2008
9 AM - 4 PM at Temple Chai

"Do you love what you do?" If you're one of those "lucky ones" who can answer a resounding "Yes!" to this question, then this seminar is not for you. But, if you're not, then you've probably asked yourself if there's a job or career out there that's a better match than what you've experienced - one that can be more satisfying and have more meaning in your life - and how you might go about finding it. This workshop is designed to help people who have asked themselves those questions.

Job seekers often limit themselves to what they “have always done” because it was the career that defined them for many years. They tend to lose sight of their many gifts, interests, strengths, and wealth of skills developed through life experience. This workshop utilizes proven tools to help individuals identify their strengths, talents and preferences - what they're basically good at and really enjoy doing, and can prove to be useful in opening up job search options.

Maria Wojtczak has 20+ years of organization development (OD) experience and worked with a wide range of organizations. She has worked with Chris Vicari, Director of the Scottsdale Job Network, offering the Passions workshop and Job Transition workshops for the last five years. She currently serves on the SJN Board and is a member of the Curriculum Development committee. Maria is a graduate of the University of Michigan. She is also the owner of DrivingMBA, a driver tutoring facility here in the valley

Workshop location
Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032-4839.

Register via Internet by April 21
Seating is limited to 30 participants. Because SJN provides assessment booklets, binder and printed materials, there is a fee of $25 for this event. To register and make payment:

Bring a sack lunch and beverages for the day. If possible bring something to share with the group as a breakfast treat in the morning or a snack in the afternoon.

General Inquiries
Contact: David Bell,

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