Sunday, January 4, 2009

All I Want for Christmas is a ROOT CANAL?

Well, no, that really wasn’t on my list, but Santa managed to decide that the holidays would be more interesting if I needed immediate dental attention. Fortunately, despite flying cross country (and back), the dreaded procedure was able to be postponed until next Friday.

This situation points to the fact that while we plan good things, often other stuff happens.

Unemployment is part of the stuff of life that hits people the same way—doesn’t happen at a good time and is not welcome when it’s not your choice.

So now what? If part of your year-end news was displacement from steady employment, Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) and the leaders of our group really do understand and want to help.

As a non-profit group run entirely by volunteers who have experienced many career and life transitions, we offer a program of support.

Consider joining us at Temple Chai in Phoenix, our meeting location, on the first and third Tuesday mornings of each month. See the SJN website for more information about our program. The EVENTS CALENDAR offers the meeting schedule and description of presentations planned. The next meeting is Tues, January 6, 2009 – starting 8:30 AM with networking and 9:30 AM with meeting-presentation.

You can expect to be welcomed by caring and friendly people who want to make you part of the group. You’ll be made aware of resources that benefit the job seeker—including resume reviews, a Yahoo Group with information, links, a membership list and prior presentations. You’ll hear guest speakers addressing topics to help your search and have the opportunity to network with business supporters and other job seekers.

At the Jan 6 meeting, Foundation’s Brett Farmiloe and Zach Hubbell will energize the audience with a presentation on Pursuing the Passion.

We hope all the job seekers we meet are back to work very soon and then able to help others still in transition.

Blessings for a great new year!

Christine Vicari-SJN

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