Thursday, November 12, 2009

Volunteer of the Week: Jamie Mercado, AMEX

SJN members benefit from the support of our neighbors--individuals and their organizations.
By acknowledging their contributions, we also capture and share our stories.

Jamie Mercado is an employee of American Express Corporation (AMEX). Like many corporations in America, AMEX sponsors an Employee Volunteer Program with a purpose of “faciiltating an active and socially responsible voice for employees in the communities in which they live and work.”

Jamie started volunteering with SJN this spring. When asked how and why she found and chose to volunteer with SJN, Jamie replied, “I found SJN through Google. SJN was the first organization on the list that popped up and I called and spoke to Bill Austin, Chris Vicari and then Raoul Encinas. They were all so helpful and caring! Immediately I felt a connection to their warmth, professionalism, and compassion to help others.”
Jamie brought a team of collegues to SJN, and they were assigned to help with the Mock Interview session on May 26th. “I was hooked on SJN after that and wanted to extend my help.”

For her continued involvement, Jamie participated on a team developing the new curriculum for the Interviewing and Managing Offers module and worked in that effort from May thru August of 2009.

Volunteering Benefits Jamie’s Career
When the curriculum was ready for delivery, Jamie committed to becoming an SJN trainer. “Although I have instructed for about 20 of my 22 years at AMEX, it had always been to internal AMEX employees (both entry level and exempt level) and always pretty small groups of 12-70 at most. Presenting at SJN allowed me to break out of my shell and deliver curriculum to around 180 people, helping to break my fear of speaking in front of large audiences.”

AMEX Matching Gift
As an acknowledgment of Jamie’s volunteer work, AMEX is planning to make a $500 donation to SJN.

SJN members are grateful to Jamie, her colleagues and American Express Corporation for their contribution to SJN. Perhaps other SJN supporters and alumni members have employee volunteer programs or opportunities for matching grants that could benefit SJN as well. If so, contact me to arrange the verification of our 501c3 non profit status and set up SJN as a benefactor of your volunteer service or company grant.

Great knowing and working with you on the SJN team, Jamie!

Christine Vicari
Founder-Executive Director
P.O. Box 25674 ~ Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(v) 480 513-1491 - (e)
SJN benefits when you order business cards and printing from VistaPrintonline at our website

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans' Day THANKS

To all our Veterans--SJN members, friends and neighbors:

Thinking of all of you today and thanking you for your service.

My father served in Europe during WW II. At that time, households with veterans actively serving in the war put a red star in their window. My grandparents had four sons all serving overseas, and they proudly displayed four stars in their front window. They were even interviewed in the local newspaper. I am going to see if I can find a copy of that article and share with you.

My brother served in Korea and my husband was in the Army during the Vietnam Era. We hold our military servicemen and women in the highest regard.

I volunteer in the Phoenix helping neighbors in transition, and have met many wonderful service people -- always proud to work with and support their transitions.

Today, my husband went to Home Depot and noticed a promotion for a 10% discount with a veteran's ID. He searched in his wallet and found a 40 year old Army photo ID--hasn't been touched in that many years! And Home Depot honored it. Way to go! I understand various restaurants in the area are offering free meals as well--check it out. I'm not the only one who wants to show love, appreciation and thanks to each of you.

God bless,


Friday, November 6, 2009

Volunteers of the Week: Karen England-Rick Gould

Karen England and Rick Gould, of Gould Intelligent, an I/T staffing, custom software and website development firm, have been key contributors to the launch and continued success of SJN operations in the West Valley!

As successful recruiters and business leaders, Karen and Rick are passionate about sharing their knowledge and best practices with job seeking members of SJN. Karen and Rick have contributed on the Curriculum Development Innovation Council, helped people individually and as a group by donating their time to resume reviews, sharing "what works and what doesn't" in the Phoenix market, and by presenting core SJN workshops including New Member Orientation, Manage the Emotions of Career Transition and Develop Your Vision, and Interviewing and Managing Offers.

According to Karen, “Rick and I wanted a way to help folks in the community where we work and live. SJN--a great organization that is providing tangible, positive support to people in job transition--provided us with a great avenue in which to do this. SJN allows us to share our skills and experience to help job seekers. Besides, we both love to speak (those of you who have heard us know this!) and you kindly loan us your stage. We believe in SJN and the work Chris and her team are doing and plan to continue supporting SJN operations in the West Valley into 2010. Thanks for letting us be a part of all this.”

SJN and its members thank Karen and Rick for their continued contribution to the success of our organization and our mission to support our neighbors develop their career management skills.