Friday, September 18, 2009

Volunteers of the Week

As my readers know, SOUTHWEST JOB NETWORK (SJN) is an all-volunteer organization. Our volunteers are the best. Read about the contributions of two of them.

KAREN ZELLER offered to photograph SJN members and provide digital images for their profiles, blogs, etc for a $5 fee. Karen conducted the photo shoot this week at Temple Chai where we had our regular meeting. She donated her time and talent and the money she collected to SJN. This worked out very well—as Karen patiently took photos until each subject was satisfied with the results. Karen donated $130 to SJN. Thanks, Karen!

Thanks also go to the team of administrative volunteers who managed the flow of people being photographed, took the money, etc. One volunteer offered his jacket and tie to another member who came unprepared for the shoot, but took advantage of it when there was time for Karen to photograph him. That's the spirit!

The second volunteer I want to recognize is MARYANNA LEVENSON who approached Einstein Bros (where we’ve been purchasing bagels for some time) to see if they would donate the bagels to SJN. She couldn’t get anyone to return her calls.

Maryanna took the further initiative to talk to Chompie’s. While the deal isn’t “signed,” it appears that Chompie’s is willing to consider this donation, and I have just sent the required evidence of our nonprofit status along with a letter explaining what SJN does in the community. Fingers crossed!

These are two examples of members who offered to put energy behind their ideas—and each made a significant impact. THANK YOU Karen and Maryanna.

I ask members to think about KAREN and MARYANNA when you have ideas of things that SJN could do or services SJN could provide. Remembering we operate entirely on donated services. Ask yourself, “Is there something I can do with my time, talent and ideas to make an impact on the organization and my job seeker peers?” I bet you can!

Blessings and good weekend,

Chris Vicari-SJN
Founder-Executive Director

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