Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans' Day THANKS

To all our Veterans--SJN members, friends and neighbors:

Thinking of all of you today and thanking you for your service.

My father served in Europe during WW II. At that time, households with veterans actively serving in the war put a red star in their window. My grandparents had four sons all serving overseas, and they proudly displayed four stars in their front window. They were even interviewed in the local newspaper. I am going to see if I can find a copy of that article and share with you.

My brother served in Korea and my husband was in the Army during the Vietnam Era. We hold our military servicemen and women in the highest regard.

I volunteer in the Phoenix helping neighbors in transition, and have met many wonderful service people -- always proud to work with and support their transitions.

Today, my husband went to Home Depot and noticed a promotion for a 10% discount with a veteran's ID. He searched in his wallet and found a 40 year old Army photo ID--hasn't been touched in that many years! And Home Depot honored it. Way to go! I understand various restaurants in the area are offering free meals as well--check it out. I'm not the only one who wants to show love, appreciation and thanks to each of you.

God bless,


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