Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Who are the SJN Heroes?
There are many volunteers who are passionate supporters of SJN who offer support to unemployed and under-employed workers in our community. Some of their efforts are in the background--maintaining Yahoo Group, answering phone inquiries, coordinating volunteers, keeping the books, writing the curriculum, maintaining the website—and more! I am often amazed at the support and dedication of these wonderful people.
Do you ever wonder who these unsung heroes are? Many of you have been touched by the volunteer services of our organization.
One of the unsung heroes and most consistent and passionate supporters of our members is Communications Professional, Pat Elliott. Often contributing the latest from the media on job opportunities in the Phoenix area, Pat is tireless in her efforts to help members.
She has taken a lot of her time to support me and the SJN Board with communication strategy, pointing out opportunities for development, alliances and award opportunities.
Pat will not brag, look for a stroke or expect recognition. Other members have told me of her help and encouragement during their transition. She is a professional who aims to see SJN grow and be a resource for the Phoenix area for many years to come. This member-volunteer has been involved with SJN and also the St. Patrick’s Employment Support Ministry for more than five years.
Please join me in thanking Pat for her contribution and dedication to our members. You can reach Pat at:
Chris Vicari-SJN
Friday, November 28, 2008
It’s Not the Economy, It’s You
Written by: Jim McVeigh, SJN Member
The sun comes up most days in Arizona.
That’s something to look forward to and something to feel good about even though you’re in a job transition, according to local networking guru Dave Sherman, featured speaker at the Scottsdale Job Network meeting on Nov. 25.
Dave gave an inspirational and animated presentation full of both practical tips for job seekers and a message of encouragement. He opened by saying that we shouldn’t let the doom and gloom of economic news get to us – and that we should feel lucky that things aren’t worse. It’s all a matter of attitude and how we adjust our thinking in light of the world around us.
“The first thing you need to do is to stop talking about the bad economy,” says Dave. “The economy is not bad, it’s ‘challenging.’”
When it comes to the economy Dave’s advice is: “Turn off the news, don’t look at the stock reports … watch more sports – it focuses on success.”
Keeping a positive attitude is essential in networking and a job search. And, Dave stresses that it’s critically important to understand there are many things outside your control – like the economy – that are “not your fault” so you shouldn’t be down on yourself but focus on your career path.
“It’s taking the beautiful drive to Flagstaff – it usually takes about 2 ½ hours. But if it snows you may have to put on chains or take a detour so it may take 6 or 7 hours. There’s nothing wrong with the path, you just had to make adjustments,” Dave said.
Finding Common Grounds
Another important point of Dave’s talk centers on what he calls the most important element of networking and a job search – commonality.
“The keys to networking and getting your next job are likeability and commonality. The way people connect is finding something in common – it’s hard to connect when all you talk about is the work you do and what kind of job you’re looking for. Once you create a bond through commonality you can begin to work on the other elements of connection – likeability, trust and dependability.”
Other tips from Dave:
- When you are at the point that you feel “What do I do next?” … Do something. Don’t do nothing. Keep moving forward.
- Comb the Phoenix Business Journal – especially the Networking Calendar, People on Move section and the Events Calendar. Attend the networking events and meet people.
- Don’t let your pride get in the way of networking. If you feel embarrassed about meeting people – get over it.
- This time of the year is networking season. The holidays are the perfect time to meet and greet people and talk about more than just looking for work.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What’s in a HERO?
When I started leading an employment support program in Scottsdale in 2002, it was post-911 and seemed a practical way to help my country through a devastating time. I didn’t know I was being called to a life purpose and true test of my commitment to helping others.
Truth be told, it is a JOY and also an HONOR to be allowed into people’s lives when they are hurting, vulnerable and need support, resources and connections to land their next job opportunity.
At a time when our neighbors, communities and country are struggling, I throw out the challenge to find a way to help those around you. Besides the gratification of making a difference, you never know how much your support means to the life and stability of your neighbor. More than ever, the difference you will make is essential.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Community Support for Tough Times
At the invitation of Allen Gjersvig, Executive Director of the Keogh Health Foundation, I was a presenter in a panel of community leaders offering information for the unemployed and under-employed about community resources available to Arizona citizens and legal residents.
Keogh Health Foundation assists AZ’s vulnerable population to secure affordable healthcare during times of personal crises, primarily focusing on disadvantaged women and their children participating in programs to achieve self-sufficiency.
There are other resources where you can do an online assessment to determine eligibility for services:
Arizona 211 Online
Helps you find resources from child care, jobs, health care, and insurance - to State and local emergency bulletins and alerts that are vital in times of disaster or emergency. Arizona 2-1-1 Online was developed in partnership with government, tribal, non-profit and community groups to help you find the resources and information you need.
Arizona Self Help can tell you if you might qualify for programs supporting: food and nutrition, housing and utilities, healthcare, financial benefits and senor and disabled services.
I also met with Stephen Zabilski, Executive Director of St. Vincent de Paul, an organization in service in Phoenix since 1946. Through home visits, shelter, food assistance, employment services, thrift stores and outreach programs, St. Vincent de Paul provides compassion and support to individuals in need, regardless of race, origin, religion or gender. They also provide hot meals regularly and there are no screenings or eligibility requirements to go there to eat. HELP LINE - If you need assistance with utility bills, a food box, or other financial assistance, call Information and Referral at 602-263-8856.
Another thing I learned was the Food Stamps program, sponsored by AZ Community Action Association, is only utilized about 50% of its capacity. Applications are available through Or call the AZ Food Stamp Info Hotline: 1-800-352-8401. The National Food Stamp hotline: 1-800-221-5689.
Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) is a charitable organization of job seekers and others volunteering their time to help them in their career transitions. The group attracts career coaches and business leaders who volunteer to run the group and make presentations. SJN offers the Job Search Curriculum series of presentations on job search skills including how to develop a marketing plan, write a resume, network and interview.
Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday mornings, 9:00-11:30 A.M. We meet at and use space donated by Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032-4839. Job seekers are offered the opportunity to network, learn new job search skills, and work with people who genuinely care about them See for meeting dates and programs scheduled.
This is by no means a complete list, and I encourage my job seekers to take care of yourselves and have faith and keep plugging—many people care, including all of us at SJN!
God bless and good wishes.
Christine Vicari-SJN
Founder-Executive Director
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Chris Vicari-SJN Wins Service Award
Read the nomination written by Ruben M. Camacho, Job Preparation Specialist, City of Scottsdale-Vista del Camino Center and edited by Martha Rockwell, A+ Resumes and Career Coaching.
"Chris Vicari is Founder and Executive Director of the Scottsdale Job Network (SJN), a group that provides support to all individuals in career transition. Currently, this non-profit entity serves over 600 members. Working an average of 30 to 35 hours per week, Chris volunteers her time with no compensation. She oversees the Board of Directors of eight members and a list of volunteers who give their time in behalf of the group. Growing and serving Scottsdale and the entire Phoenix Metropolitan area, Temple Chai in Phoenix has donated the use of a larger building and staff services at no cost.
"Chris has worked tirelessly by providing valuable information and hope at each meeting. In addition to having local companies advertise current openings, guest speakers deliver presentations on resume writing, interviewing, networking, finance management and self esteem. Chris’ enormous commitment and SJN have made a difference in the Scottsdale community.
"Dealing with the loss of a job is a tremendous emotional experience. Affecting the job seeker, the family and community, Chris’ efforts have brought a place where support, healing and education can take place. Scottsdale Job Network offers a safe haven for the broken spirit to rejuvenate and mend."
THANKS TO ALL SJN SUPPORTERS for your dedication to this work we do helping our neighbors--and also businesses--in transition! My humble and profound THANKS to Ruben and Martha for their efforts.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
How to use your business card when networking
Chris Vicari
Founder-Executive Director
Scottsdale Job Network-SJN
How to use your business card when networking
By George Fleming
The belief is sometimes held, mistakenly, I might add, that the more business cards you give out in your job search, the quicker you’ll land your next job.
Let’s take a step back, and think about why you got business cards for your search in the first place. You got business cards so that people who want to reach you can do so easily. On your card you have your contact information: telephone number and email address. You got tired of writing this information down on scraps of paper and realized that a card is quicker and more professional. Right?
Now you have a box of these cards – what to do with them? Remember what we said above: you got business cards so that people who want to reach you can do so easily. You’re at an SJN meeting. You chat with somebody, and the two of you decide further conversation is warranted.
So you exchange business cards. And you may write a note on the other person’s card about the reason for you following-up. It now is a reminder of a conversation that will take place in the near future.
Sometimes people attend these events and start passing their cards out as though they’re lottery tickets. And you wind up with cards from people you haven’t really talked to. And as you head for the door to leave…you throw those cards in the trash. They’re meaningless to you.
If you do hold on to them, a week later you throw them in the trash – delayed reaction, same result.
Think of your business card as being the punctuation to a networking conversation. “Call me, and let’s arrange to get together.” “Drop me an email, and I’ll give you the contact information for my friend at that company.”
In short, don’t distribute your business cards indiscriminately. People will not have a positive impression of you; your cards will go in the trash; and you’ll not get any positive assistance with your search.
A final note on business card etiquette: If someone gives you their card, promising a networking contact for your search, you are expected to follow up on getting that contact. Don’t wait for the other person to get back to you. The ball is in your court. Go for it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
September Events at SJN
Understanding the Emotions of a Career Change
Have you been "down-sized," "right sized," "acquired," "merged"? In this time of transition, you will experience a roller coaster of emotions. Join us to understand the emotions that may surface during the job transition period and learn coping strategies. Moving forward, you'll find it easier to focus energies on your job search and next employment opportunity.
Interviewing Workshop: Tues, September 9, 2008, 8:30 AM – 11 AM
Sharpen Your Interviewing Skills with Phoenix Executives & Recruiters
Plan to join us for our first Interviewing Workshop! This program is designed to help job seekers practice their interviewing skills and get advice and feedback from local executives and recruiters. NOTE: this is not a job fair, however it is a great networking opportunity.
Meeting: Tues, September 16, 2008, 9 AM – 11:30 AM
Creating Your Vision and Personal Marketing Plan
Having a vision and creating a personal marketing plan is one of the best ways to start a job search or career transition. Assessing your skills inventory, deciding who you want to “dance” with and considering whether to relocate are addressed in this thought-provoking presentation. This program will offer insights and guide you to develop a personal marketing strategy and a tactical plan for getting visibility.
Evening Networking: Mon, September 22, 2008 – 7 PM – 9 PM
SJN will be practicing social networking in two forms: first online and then as a mixer. Bill Austin will spend the first hour demonstrating the LinkedIn platform focusing on the how-to's. It should be noted that Bill Austin is not a certified or accredited trainer, not associated with LinkedIn, and LinkedIn is a trademark. After Bill's presentation, we'll have open networking, socializing and light refreshments. Should be a fun time! We'll expect many of our working members to join us for this evening event.
There are no fees to participate, and donations to SJN are appreciated.
No sign-up needed for these events being held at Temple Chai in North Scottsdale. See our website for more information
We hope you’ll join us soon!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
8/19 Workshop: Social Networking Platforms
Social networking is a business networking phenomenon that is used by employers, recruiters and job seekers for making connections. Many job seekers now use multiple social media platforms to find contacts at their target companies to help educate them about a company, to get an inside look at particular positions or to perform due diligence and follow-up on negotiating job offers. Social networks also provide employers and recruiters with the ability to post jobs, and job seekers with the ability to search for jobs.
Don’t miss the August 19 workshop if you want to learn how to:
· Effectively use social networks to grow your network.
· Build your profiles to become findable
· Import contacts to improve your online social network using people you already know.
· Invite group members.
· Identify hiring managers at target companies.
Use your networks to:
· Reach recruiters.
· Establish relationships to help you land that job.
· Hone Search techniques and strategies.
· Hone Interaction techniques and strategies.
Workshop facilitator, Bill Austin is:
~ One of the top three most connected networkers in the Greater Phoenix Arizona area.
~ Expert in Social Media Marketing.
~ Vice President and Board Member of SJN.
~ Vice President of Business Development for AZhttp, Inc.
Optional (not required): Bring a laptop with a wireless card to do the things Bill explains and to get immediate real value.
Workshop fee: This event is a fund raising activity to support SJN activities. Cost is $25 for SJN members, $35 for non members. No pre-registration required.Pay at the door via cash or check to Scottsdale Job Network.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
8/19 9-11:30 AM - State Workforce Initiatives
See our website Events Calendar for program descriptions for SJN events through the end of November.
Join us on Tues, Aug 19, 9-11:30 AM to learn about:
Peter Polk, Retired Healthcare Executive and Member, Governor’s Task Force on Aging, Mature Worker Initiative, will discuss the actions being taken by the State of Arizona to promote hiring and retaining the mature worker. Peter has served on the State Mature Workforce committee for the past 6 years, and continues his involvement.
Participants will hear about the changing landscape of work, more generations are working side-by-side, competition for talent is escalating, costs of replacing experienced workers, productivity and business results are linked to work environment, benefits of a multi-generational work place. Tapping into his experience as an executive in healthcare, Peter believes people are more likely to hire you if they like you = keep a positive attitude. How to fit in applies to everyone, not just the mature worker.
Meetings are held at Temple Chai in Phoenix.
We hope to see you then!
Christine Vicari
Founder-Executive Director
Did you know that there are government sponsored programs to support job seekers? In some cases, there are even grants available for retraining. We'd like to know more about this--and who is eligible for what kind of retraining, and what are the hoops a person needs to go through to attain it.
Tues, Aug 5 - 9 AM - 11:30 AM
Meetings at Temple Chai in Phoenix
Kathy Thiessen, Site Supervisor, Phoenix Workforce Connection, offers an overview of the Phoenix Workforce Connection One Stop Career Centers and provides information about federal grant funding through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) to provide career development and employment search resources to job seekers and business.
Melanie Smith, Workforce Connection Career Advisor/Job Coach, will offer detail about the program services that she provides to those seeking to upgrade skills and/or connect with employment opportunities.
We hope to see you then!
Christine Vicari
Executive Director
Friday, June 13, 2008
6/25 Evening Fun-Fund Raiser Dinner @ Wildflower
We hope you agree this is a good opportunity to fund raise (we don't have to cook!) and bring others to SJN. We've invited our supporters who are unavailable during the day and expect many to attend.
If you've never eaten at Wildflower, it's a good place and you are encouraged to bring along families and friends--children are welcome.
Mock interviews and resume critiques will be available. With any questions, contact us at:
Looking forward to seeing you then.
Friday, May 23, 2008
SJN Curriulum Beta Test Successful
The sessions covered the following topics:
- Understanding the Emotions of a Career Change
- Creating Your Vision and Personal Marketing Plan
- Developing Your Resume
- Creating Leads, Networking
- Interviewing Skills, Part I
- Interviewing Skills, Part II
- Managing the Offer
Over the summer, we have an interesting line-up of programs, and I can share some of those topics here and you can read more detail on our EVENTS CALENDAR
Jun 3 - Financial Do's and Don'ts During Job Transition (Michael Prahl, Financial Advisor)
Jun 17 - Panel Discussion on Being Entrepreneurial (led by Doug Bruhnke, Growth Nation)
Jul 15 - The Brand Called YOU (Holly Schor,
Hang with us--there are no vacation days at SJN!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Financial advisor-speaker seeks job seeker input
Michael was asked to speak on the financial issues faced by our members, focusing on the decisions and actions to consider during transition.
Michael wants to know your specific issues in order to tailor his presentation more specifically to those needs. One of the items Michael will address is the need for interim, affordable health insurance.
Please write to me with issues or questions, and I will relay them to Michael.
Many thanks,
Chris Vicari, Founder-Executive Director
Scottsdale Job Network - SJN
P.O. Box 25674 ~ Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(e) (v) 480 513-1491
LinkedIn Profile:
SJN benefits when you order business cards and other printing
from VistaPrint online at our website
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Reality and Hope
This media interest was coordinated through the efforts of SJN VP-Bill Austin. SJN was fortunate to have the exposure for our community service work, and we hope it will bring positive results for our job seekers.
The evening's televised report edited a lot of positive things shared. My comments were condensed to one statement that went something like this:
"We have seen an increase in attendance since January from 70 and to a current attendance of 85-100. "
What was not added was my perspective that I attributed this growth in part to the positive reputation of the group and the impact we are having on individuals and families.
There are industries hard hit by layoffs and that is impacting many people and SJN’s growth. For me, the volunteer work we do at SJN--and at least my personal mission—is to be a resource to workers and ease the burdens on families hard pressed by economic downturn. We “light the path” to re-employment and offer ourselves as a source of hope. This happens whether there are two people in a meeting or 102. . . and yes, we’ve done our presentations with both!
I am proud to know SJN is making an impact in many lives. What better volunteer work would I want to do as a retired worker myself?
I encourage job seekers to look for the opportunities, build your networks, offer to be resources to others—and oh yes, as I told the reporter, go outside your comfort zone to make connections!
Blessings and good wishes,
Christine (Chris) Vicari
Executive Director
Scottsdale Job Network (SJN)
V-mail: 480 513-1491
5/14 - SJN at EXPO, Glendale
The Expo runs from 12 Noon - 5 PM and we hope to meet many of you there.
Phoenix is the largest small town in America! To get a job in this town, you HAVE to network. Come to this workshop to enhance your networking skills. This session is more than just a talking head, we will conduct an exercise that is guaranteed to help you network. Discover how to make each networking meeting memorable for your audience and learn how to connect to the companies and jobs you really want.
Exploring Your Passion Workshop 5/27 9A-4P
We received this inquiry: Does this workshop identify job titles that fit the strengths, talents and preferences we'll be recognizing?
Please read response from workshop facilitator, Maria Wojtczak:
We have shortened the workshop title and refer to it as the Passions workshop. The actual title is Exploring Your Passion – and Putting it to Work, the key word being exploring. This isn’t something you get done in a day. From the feedback I have received from previous participants, it raises new questions and gets people to think and look at the next phase of their life in a different way. This is work that requires thought, reflection, trial and error and honestly, sometimes, just dumb luck!!
Identifying job titles that fit particular strengths is not the objective for this workshop. The purpose and objectives are to:
- Explore individual desires, strengths, and talents in order to create a vision fueled by passion.
- Identify potential “stuckness”
- Utilize different tools and approaches to identify patterns in our life
- Begin to identify our strengths and talents
- Begin to identify a personal vision
Exploring Your Passion – Putting It To Work
(a special workshop for job seekers)
TUES, MAY 27, 2008 9 AM - 4 PM
"Do you love what you do?" If you're one of those "lucky ones" who can answer a resounding "Yes!" to this question, then this seminar is not for you. But, if you're not, then you've probably asked yourself if there's a job or career out there that's a better match than what you've experienced - one that can be more satisfying and have more meaning in your life - and how you might go about finding it. This workshop is designed to help people who have asked themselves those questions.
Job seekers often limit themselves to what they “have always done” because it was the career that defined them for many years. They tend to lose sight of their many gifts, interests, strengths, and wealth of skills developed through life experience. This workshop utilizes proven tools to help individuals identify their strengths, talents and preferences - what they're basically good at and really enjoy doing, and can prove to be useful in opening up job search options.
Maria Wojtczak has 20+ years of organization development (OD) experience and worked with a wide range of organizations. She has worked with Chris Vicari, Executive Director of the Scottsdale Job Network (SJN), offering the Passions workshop and Job Transition workshops for the last five years. Maria currently serves on the SJN Board and is a member of the Curriculum Development Committee. A graduate of the University of Michigan, Maria is the owner of DrivingMBA, a driver tutoring facility here in the Valley
Workshop location
Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032-4839
Click here for a location map on MapQuest
Register via Internet by May 26
Seating is limited to 30 participants and has a minimum enrollment of 12 participants to run the program. Because SJN provides assessment booklets, binder and printed materials, there is a fee of $25 for this event. To register and make payment:
Bring a sack lunch and beverages for the day. If possible bring something to share with the group as a breakfast treat in the morning or a snack in the afternoon.
General Inquiries
Contact: David Bell,
Monday, April 21, 2008
SJN Mixer- Open House 4/29
Tues, April 29, 200
85:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032
Join us for social networking after business hours!
If you heard about SJN and haven’t met us, here’s a great opportunity to get together! Active job seekers, business supporters, recruiters and alumni members gather for social networking, after business hours. In addition to offering an open forum for making connections, the committee organizing this event is planning an exercise to facilitate networking effectiveness, and having a couple of alumni members briefly share their success stories.
Light refreshments offered (no alcohol) and some nibbles.
No Fee—donations appreciated (*see tax deduction tip below).
We look forward to seeing you then.
Members and non-members welcome.
* * * * * * *
TIP: One of our financial members informed us that if you intend to claim meeting and event donations as tax deductions, you need to write a check. Under the new IRS rules, you can no longer claim cash donations as deductions.
Checks are payable to: Scottsdale Job Network.
All donations add up, so please give within your means. . .it makes a difference to have your support!
Friday, April 18, 2008
NOTICE: Passions Workshop Rescheduled: 5/27
The good news is that Maria has rescheduled the workshop for Tues, May 27 (9A-4P) at Temple Chai. Enrollees for the 4/29 workshop were contacted directly and offered the option to either roll their payments over to the May 27 workshop or receive a full refund.
Since enrollment was low for the April 29 event, I hope the new date of May 27 offers an opportunity for more of you to attend. Register via Internet by May 26.
Seating is limited to 30 participants and has a minimum enrollment of 12 participants to run the program. Because SJN provides assessment booklets, binder and printed materials, there is a fee of $25 for this event. To register and make payment:
Thank you for your understanding. Contact me with any questions.
Chris Vicari
Friday, April 11, 2008
New Projector--it's a beauty!
Thanks to the help of SJN member Elizabeth Stoltz, who researched the options and made recommendations to me, SJN has purchased a new projector. We have been relying on the use of the Temple's projector up until now. Our projector should arrive in about a week, and be available for the Passions Workshop (AM) and SJN Mixer-Open House (PM)--both events on 4/29. This purchase was made possible primarily by the donations of our members, unemployed and under-employed workers.
Networking for SJN
This week, I attended two outside net events for SJN, hosted by CDI IT Solutions and LinkedIn Live (at the County Fair). I shared the group's accomplishments--the projector purchase and our work in general. People are amazed at what we do! As they pick up on the pride I take in this organization, they become interested in supporting us.
Oh, if you've never networked with Bill Austin, SJN's Vice President, be sure to make an event he is attending. He is a magnet and so well connected--one of the top people on the LinkedIn network for Phoenix. Bill is outspoken and passionate in promoting SJN and works to help both job seekers and businesses succeed.
Mission being fulfilled
Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) provides job transition training, personal connections, access to resources and moral support for job seekers through a Valley-wide network of passionate volunteers.
Remember, we operate not only on donations (cash) but also on donated labor. While you have time on your hands, we recommend volunteering -- it helps us and also helps you strengthen connections.
Many thanks to all who make SJN possible and a very valuable resource to the community! Have a good weekend and I'll see you at Temple Chai on Tuesday morning, April 15.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Register for 4/29 Passions Workshop, 9A-4P
(a special workshop for job seekers)
Tues, April 29, 2008
"Do you love what you do?" If you're one of those "lucky ones" who can answer a resounding "Yes!" to this question, then this seminar is not for you. But, if you're not, then you've probably asked yourself if there's a job or career out there that's a better match than what you've experienced - one that can be more satisfying and have more meaning in your life - and how you might go about finding it. This workshop is designed to help people who have asked themselves those questions.
Job seekers often limit themselves to what they “have always done” because it was the career that defined them for many years. They tend to lose sight of their many gifts, interests, strengths, and wealth of skills developed through life experience. This workshop utilizes proven tools to help individuals identify their strengths, talents and preferences - what they're basically good at and really enjoy doing, and can prove to be useful in opening up job search options.
Maria Wojtczak has 20+ years of organization development (OD) experience and worked with a wide range of organizations. She has worked with Chris Vicari, Director of the Scottsdale Job Network, offering the Passions workshop and Job Transition workshops for the last five years. She currently serves on the SJN Board and is a member of the Curriculum Development committee. Maria is a graduate of the University of Michigan. She is also the owner of DrivingMBA, a driver tutoring facility here in the valley
Workshop location
Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032-4839.
Register via Internet by April 21
Seating is limited to 30 participants. Because SJN provides assessment booklets, binder and printed materials, there is a fee of $25 for this event. To register and make payment:
Bring a sack lunch and beverages for the day. If possible bring something to share with the group as a breakfast treat in the morning or a snack in the afternoon.
General Inquiries
Contact: David Bell,
SJN Evening Social Mixer, 4/29
Tues, April 29, 2008
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032
Join us for an evening of social networking when active job seekers, business supporters, recruiters and alumni members gather after-hours at Temple Chai.
In addition to an open forum that encourages connecting, there will be an exercise to facilitate networking effectiveness and success stories from a couple of alumni members.
Light refreshments offered (no alcohol) and some nibbles.
No Fee—donations appreciated.
We look forward to meeting you then.
Members and non-members welcome.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sharpen Your Interview Skills in April
In April 2008, SJN will present two sessions from the SJN Curriculum on the Job Search Process covering strategies for successful interviewing. Both Interviewing Skills programs will be facilitated by Jim O’Hara, SJN Board Member and Director of Curriculum Development at regular SJN meetings. See our EVENTS CALENDAR for dates, programs, location and driving directions.
TUES, APR 1, 2008
In Part I of Interviewing Skills, facilitator, Jim O’Hara, will offer participants a realistic view of interviews. He will address common misunderstandings about interviews de-mystifying the interview process and calming your concerns. Jim will explain the types of interviews you may face and help you prepare to answer questions the interviewer will ask.
* * * * * * * * * *
TUES, APR 15, 2008
In Part II of Interviewing Skills, Jim O’Hara will present strategies designed to help you address liabilities, prepare your questions for the interviewer, and send your thank you communications. Other helpful hints will be shared that will arm you with a strong preparation and presentation.
Jim earned his undergraduate degree from the The Citadel and his MBA from Pepperdine University. He has been involved in reengineering, restructuring and merging several national sales organizations and has been recognized for his leadership and professionalism.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Special Announcement: 501(c)(3) Status for SJN
SJN has been a charitable organization from day one, and relies on volunteer support, donated meeting space, community support and small monetary donations to offer services. My vision has always been to operate as a 501(c(3)non-profit corporation to obtain tax advantages for donors and the funding needed to sustain and grow this group. The SJN Board, members and supporters have worked with me to establish the group as a valuable community resource for our neighbors in career transition. We are committed to offering support without requiring membership dues or meeting fees that could place an additional burden on members during a period when they cannot afford that burden.
At the Feb 5, 2008 SJN meeting, we asked members to help us over the last hurdle to apply for 501(c)(3)tax exempt status with the IRS. We also shared our 2008 financial needs and asked meeting participants to help us by increasing their meeting donations to $5. We explained there would be NO GATEKEEPER at the meetings, that is, no one will stop participants at the door requesting money. Voluntary donations are put in a donation basket located at the coffee station. Since that request, donations have increased, and if sustained, we should be able to meet operational needs.
We have postponed some needs since our inception, choosing instead to focus on building services. Last week, thanks to board, member and community donations, Form 1023 applying to the IRS for tax-exempt 501(c)(3)status was completed and mailed, enabling SJN to begin functioning as a tax-exempt, non-profit entity.
We will continue to need volunteer and community support to operate this group, and we anticipate many exciting developments in the years ahead as a result of the 501(c)(3) designation. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to making this possible and for your support of the Scottsdale Job Network.
Christine Vicari, President
Scottsdale Job Network, Inc.
V-mail: (480) 513-1491P.S.
If you have any questions, please contact me after March 27.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, checks are payable to Scottsdale Job Network, and can be mailed to: Scottsdale Job Network, P.O. Box 25674, Scottsdale AZ 85255-2755. If a receipt is desired, please request one.
PAYPAL:There's a link on the top left of SJN's website for making donations via PayPal.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Creating Leads and Networking 3/18 at SJN
“I called a friend of mine, John, and asked him if there was an opening at his company. He said he wasn’t sure, but didn’t think so. I also called three other friends and told them I was looking for work. I asked them that if they heard of anyone who was hiring, would they please let me know.” I spent the whole morning on the phone networking.” Sound familiar? Most people know what networking is—and don’t do it OR some think they are networking, but aren’t doing it correctly. Did you know that 75-80% of jobs are attained through networking? Believe it or not—it is true!
Join us when Martha Rockwell, member of the SJN Curriculum Development Committee, delivers a presentation that will take you through the steps of the networking process! It is not as difficult as you might think. The best part about networking is that it gives you more control of your job search. Learning to network correctly will change your attitude toward this very important area of the job search process. Martha will give you a way to put some “AIR” into your search--- come and find out how!
Martha graduated from ASU with a degree in Education. Certified by the PARWCC (Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches) and licensed by the State of Arizona as a career coach, she is owner of A+ Resumes & Career Coaching.
The Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) is a group of job seekers and others volunteering their time to help them in their career transitions. The group attracts speakers from industry, technology, government, finance, coaching and recruiting to discuss job search fundamentals including how to develop a marketing plan, write a resume, network, interview and negotiate offers.
Charitable Group
In October, 2007, SJN became a charitable corporation in the State of Arizona. In March, 2008, we mailed our application to the IRS for tax exempt 501c3 status.
Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday mornings, 9:00-11:30 A.M. We meet at and use space donated by Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032-4839. Click here for a location map on MapQuest. Job seekers are offered the opportunity to network, learn new job seeking skills, and work with people who genuinely care about you and your job search. See our EVENTS CALENDAR for meeting dates and programs scheduled.
Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) is a non-profit community group of business leaders and volunteers. SJN provides education in the job search process and all attendees have the opportunity to meet and work with people who offer support and guidance during employment transition. We are not a job placement forum, and we do not match candidates to openings nor do we send resumes to employers or recruiters. There is no guarantee of employment either directly through this group or as a result of association with SJN.
Voice mail: (480) 513-1491
Friday, March 7, 2008
Business cards for the Job Seeker
Don’t use business cards from a previous employer. Instead, job seekers should supply themselves with a professional business card that contains the following:
E-mail Address
Telephone No.
Your website address
Your job function or title or 2 or 3 core competencies
Business Cards can be purchased from a variety of places including printers, office supply stores, mailbox service stores and many more.
Recently, Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) became an affiliate of Vista Print where you can get 250 business cards free with the cost of shipping.
SJN is paid a small fee by Vista Print for all business cards ordered through our website, whether they are the free business cards or upgraded premium business cards.
You can check out their selection by clicking the link:
Check it out on our website:
The Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) is a group of job seekers and others volunteering their time to help them in their career transitions. The group attracts speakers from industry, technology, government, finance, coaching and recruiting to discuss job search fundamentals including how to develop a marketing plan, write a resume, network and interview.
We are a charitable corporation in the State of Arizona, and we are finalizing our documentation to soon apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS.
Thank you for considering this option when you shop for business cards!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Join us on Tues, March 4, 9 AM, when Martha Rockwell, member of the SJN Curriculum Development Committee, will deliver a presentation that will take you through the steps of writing a resume. Learn the components of a well-written document that gets results! She will cover the following areas: types of resumes, headings and what to include, how to write an effective summary and accomplishments and posting your resume on the Internet. Bring your resume and you will work to improve it.
Having graduated from Arizona State University , Martha’s background includes career advisement, education, and sales. Certified by the PARWCC (Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches) and licensed by the State of Arizona as a career coach, she is owner of A+ Resumes & Career Coaching.
SJN Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday mornings, 9:00-11:30 A.M. We meet at and use space donated by Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032-4839. Job seekers are offered the opportunity to network, learn new job seeking skills, and work with people who genuinely care about you and your job search. See our website for future meeting dates and programs scheduled.
Employed SJN Members and Recruiters Attend SJN Meetings - Take the opportunity to speak with recruiting agents and company HR representatives who attend our meetings. They are available from 9 AM and some stay until the end of the meeting.
Resume Reviews - At each meeting, a representative from the Resume Writers Council of Arizona will be available to critique resumes and offer improvement suggestions from 9-9:30 AM.
Web site - Additional resources are provided online through our website including resources for basic needs, links to key job boards, map quest to our meetings, articles that have helped others, a list of volunteer opportunities, a reading list and more.
Volunteering - Whether you are a current job seeker or you are working and want to help people in job transition, there is a place for you to volunteer. Member participation is essential. It helps establish a stronger support program for those who follow. We encourage members to take part in the operations of the program in whatever way they can. See our website for more about ways to make a contribution.
Open Invitation! Anyone interested in the support we provide is welcome. We do not require membership dues or meeting fees to allow everyone who is in job transition to be able to participate. Since our program is unfunded, we suggest that participants make a voluntary donation of $5 per meeting. When we have an all-day workshop, we do need to pass the costs along to participants.
Questions? Contact us at: and see our website:
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wish I Found this Group Months Ago!
This week's meeting on Creating Your Vision and Developing a Personal Marketing Plan was attended by over 80 people--a record for SJN. Participants responded well to the message of speaker Jim O'Hara, President of Kellen James and the SJN Director of Curriculum Development.
Feedback gathered after the session suggested that the SJN Curriclum on the Job Search Process is serving a real need for job seekers in the community.
SJN is open to all in the Greater Phoenix area, and participants join us from as far away as Florence and Surprise. We meet on the first and third Tuesdays, 9 AM - 11:30 AM, at Temple Chai in Phoenix, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032.
Job seekers are invited and encouraged to join us and take advantage of the support offered to boost their job search efforts!
Employers and recruiters are welcome to join us for free access to a variety of highly skilled people who are looking for work and you. Employers and recruiters can tell the room what kind of people they are looking for as well as network with them one on one.
Meetings in March will cover two valuable subjects for job seekers: Developing Your Resume and Creating Leads and Networking. Both programs will be presented by SJN supporter, Martha Rockwell, A+ Resumes & Career Coaching ttp:// and a member of SJN's Curriculum Development Committee.
TUES, MAR 4, 2008, 9AM-11:30AM
Have you written four versions of your resume and are still dissatisfied? Do you keep changing it time after time and wonder if the document is effective? Have you been posting your resume on the Internet and not getting results? Do you worry because it looks weak and doesn’t contain powerful accomplishments?
Join us when Martha Rockwell, member of the SJN Curriculum Development Committee, will deliver a presentation that will take you through the steps of writing a resume. Learn the components of a well-written document that gets results! She will cover the following areas: types of resumes, headings and what to include, how to write an effective summary and accomplishments and posting your resume on the Internet. Bring your resume and you will work to improve it.
Having graduated from Arizona State University, Martha’s background includes career advisement, education, and sales. Certified by the PARWCC (Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches) and licensed by the State of Arizona as a career coach, she is owner of A+ Resumes & Career Coaching.
TUES, MAR 18, 2008, 9AM-11:30AM
“I called a friend of mine, John, and asked him if there was an opening at his company. He said he wasn’t sure, but didn’t think so. I also called three other friends and told them I was looking for work. I asked them that if they heard of anyone who was hiring, would they please let me know.” I spent the whole morning on the phone networking.” Sound familiar? Most people know what networking is—and don’t do it OR some think they are networking, but aren’t doing it correctly. Did you know that 75-80% of jobs are attained through networking? Believe it or not—it is true!
Join us when Martha Rockwell, member of the SJN Curriculum Development Committee, delivers a presentation that will take you through the steps of the networking process! It is not as difficult as you might think. The best part about networking is that it gives you more control of your job search. Learning to network correctly will change your attitude toward this very important area of the job search process. Martha will give you a way to put some “AIR” into your search--- come and find out how!
Meetings: first and third Tuesdays, 9-11:30 AM
Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032
See the SJN website for more information and with questions, write to us at:
I look forward to helping you build your network and getting the help you need in your job or employee search!
Chris Vicari
Executive Director
Friday, February 8, 2008
Networking at SJN Meetings
Starting 9 AM, it is the time to pick up contacts, job leads, offer help to others, get your resume reviewed and develop relationships with others in the group.
Don't miss the opportunity! Bring a business card, your resume, a smile and a firm handshake and make some great connections starting at 9 AM!
Upcoming programs from SJN Curriculum on the Job Search Process:
Creating Your Vision and Personal Marketing Plan
Feb 19, 2008 – Facilitator: Jim O’Hara
Developing Your Resume
March 4, 2008 – Facilitator: Martha Rockwell
Creating Leads, Networking
March 18, 2008 – Facilitator: Martha Rockwell
Interviewing Skills, Part I
April 1, 2008 – Facilitator: Jim O’Hara
Interviewing Skills, Part II
April 15, 2008 – Facilitator: Jim O’Hara
Negotiating the Offer
May 6, 2008 – Facilitator: TBA
Christine Vicari, Founder & Exec. Director
Scottsdale Job Network - SJN
P.O. Box 25674
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Voice mail: (480) 513-1491
SJN: Empowering Career Transitions
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Why does SJN support PV Food Bank?
Recently, one of our members asked me why SJN supports this cause. The reasons are valid. Despite living in an affluent area, we have neighbors who are hungry. Often their situation is exacerbated by unemployment. . . the focus of SJN's community service. Also, PVEFB is a favorite charity of the Temple Chai community which is supporting SJN, and we wanted to align with the Temple's effort.
You can learn more about PVEFB on their website: or read an excerpt below:
. . . to provide emergency assistance to individuals living within the boundaries of the Paradise Valley Unified School District. PVEFB distributes food to families that would otherwise go hungry. The emergency provisions provide wholesome, nourishing meals to families in need. They bridge the gap until a long-term solution can be arranged.
Feeding the hungry in our area had been the responsibility of various religious organizations. An increase in demand prompted the Greater Paradise Valley Community Council to form a subcommittee to study the hunger problem. Using surveys and projections this group concluded that there was a need for a non-governmental community based organization to service the hungry – so the Greater Paradise Valley Community Assistance Team (GPVCAT) was formed in April 1986.
The goals of the organization were to have a permanent storage facility for food, within our service boundaries, which would be available to clients referred by religious and charitable organizations. To facilitate this goal the first efforts were to locate a site and interest a core of volunteers to handle requests and stock food supplies.
Thanks to the encouragement and financial and logistical support of many businesses and religious institutions in our community, office and storage space was made available. A temporary location was established at 4242 E. Greenway Rd. Food drives conducted by area schools and businesses filled the shelves. By early 1987 we were in business.
A search for a permanent site led us to our Shea Plaza location in October 1987. The name GPVCAT was replaced by our business name Paradise Valley Emergency Food Bank. We occupied a space rent-free until 1997 when a change in ownership necessitated our signing a lease agreement. New space was prepared and made available to us at our present location
We are governed by a Board of Directors, meeting four times each year, made up of community business and civic leaders. Our connection to the business, civic and religious community is essential, as we must not only solicit food donations but also monetary contributions to offset our fixed costs.
We should all be proud of our part in the success of the Food Bank. Our motto, "Neighbors Sharing - Neighbors Caring," summarizes our commitment to our community.
I hope you will continue to keep this community need in mind and bring non-perishable food items to the Temple Chai when you attend SJN meetings. Our next is Tues, Feb 5, 9 AM.
Thank you for your support of this important effort.
Christine Vicari, Founder & President
Scottsdale Job Network - SJN
P.O. Box 25674
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Voice mail: (480) 513-1491
Empowering Career Transitions
Friday, January 18, 2008
Curriculum on the Job Search Process
The new program will launch on February 5, 2008 and will be facilitated by experts in the training and career transition fields. The training areas will be:
Session 1 Feb 5, 2008
Understanding the Emotions of a Career Change
Facilitator: Maria Wojtczak
Session 2 Feb 19, 2008
Creating Your Vision and Personal Marketing Plan
Facilitator: Jim O’Hara
Session 3 March 4, 2008
Developing Your Resume
Facilitator: Martha Rockwell
Session 4 Mar 18, 2008
Creating Leads, Networking
Facilitator: Martha Rockwell
Session 5 Apr 1, 2008
Interviewing Skills, Part I
Facilitator: Jim O’Hara
Session 6 Apr 15, 2008
Interviewing Skills, Part II
Facilitator: Jim O’Hara
Session 7 May 6, 2008
Negotiating the Offer
Facilitator: TBA
At SJN, we do not require membership dues or meeting fees. However, participants are asked to make a donation that will help cover our program’s operating costs. A recommended donation is $5 per meeting.
Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) is a non-profit community group of business leaders and volunteers. SJN provides education in the job search process and all attendees have the opportunity to meet and work with people who offer support and guidance during employment transition. We are not a job placement forum, and we do not match candidates to openings nor do we send resumes to employers or recruiters. There is no guarantee of employment either directly through this group or as a result of association with SJN.
V-mail: (480) 513-1491
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Connie Kadansky at SJN 1/15: Self-Promotion and Your Job Search
Self-Promotion: Is it the missing ingredient in your job search?
Some of the most highly-paid and powerful people did not attain their positions by being the most technically competent. They did it through purposeful self-promotion. Some people are natural promoters. They are born with the instinct to self-promotion. For others, often the most loyal, motivated and deserving – self-promotion is emotionally difficult. They are rendered invisible by a spirit-crushing condition called fear of self-promotion. You will learn the three keys to visibility management in your job search.
Guest speaker Connie Kadansky is the President of Exceptional Sales Performance, LLC an international consulting and performance improvement practice. She is a nationally recognized expert in identifying and eliminating Sales Call Reluctance®. Call Reluctance can neutralize any career. Connie has a proven track record for increased sales from brand new salespeople to veteran producers in diverse industries, i.e., financial services, insurance, print media, software, public broadcasting and executive search.
Scottsdale Job Network (SJN) meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday mornings, 9:00-11:30 A.M. We meet at and use space donated by Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032-4839. Job seekers are offered the opportunity to network, learn new job seeking skills, and work with people who genuinely care about you and your job search. See our website for meeting dates and programs scheduled.